Back in the Year 1955

Photo Galleries from our past

1955 UD group picture. Submitted by Eddie Hsu ’56 forwarded to him by Bishnu Das Pradhan ’55

1955 UD basketball team during a holiday. Photo submitted by Eddie Hsu

Top row L-R T.K.Leong, P. Whitley, K.S.Leong, W. Whittakerr, George Hla Bu, T.C.Leong, Madhav Shumshere, David Latimer, Sonam Kyibuk, Farid Khan-Panni
Bottom row L-R?, Thomas Ba U, Karma Tsering, Patrick Hta Wa,, Wai Chee Leong, Glyn Culpeper Eddie Hsu, Phaiboon Linevat
Front row with ball
 – Netra Shumshere, basketball referee