The School on the Hill
Our school on the hill 1951
School Dining room UD
UD Dining Hall 1951
College and Priestly staff 1951
North Point 1951
NP Football Team 1950-2
NP Football team 1950-52
PM Nehru delivering a speech to the NP boys
Boxing Champs 1952
Boxing Champs 1952
1955 UD
1955 UD group picture.
1955 Basketball
1955 UD basketball team during a holiday.
Sports day 50's 1,
Photo Courtesy P. Lenavat
Sports day 50's 2
Photo CourtesyS. P. Agarwala
Sports day 50's 3
Raymond Htun in the lead with Gregory David a close second
Group picture of the Upper Division, 1957
LD Football 1958
1958 LD 1st Eleven Football Team