

30th September 2024

Dear North Point Community,

Greeting from your Home in the Mountain!

We are delighted to announce that the esteemed Magis Gold Medal (MGM) 2024, the highest honour bestowed upon a member of our teaching fraternity at St. Joseph’s School North Point, will be awarded to Mr. Anil C. Rai.

Mr. Rai’s extraordinary contributions to North Point have left an indelible mark on our institution and the countless students whose lives he has touched. Throughout his illustrious tenure at North Point, Mr. Rai has served in numerous roles, including teacher, administrator, coach, mentor, and dramatics instructor. His dynamic and meticulous work with the Darjeeling North Point School Alumni Association (D.N.P.S.A.A) and his continued involvement with the alumni community have further strengthened the bonds between North Point and its Alumni worldwide.

Even after leaving North Point, Mr. Rai has continued to contribute to the field of education, holding leadership positions as Principal and Administrator at various campuses. His commitment to academic and artistic excellence, his unwavering guidance, and his ability to inspire generations of students have earned him the respect and admiration of not only the North Point family but also the broader Darjeeling Hills community.

In recognition of his exceptional service, passion and dedication, we will be honouring Mr. Rai with the Magis Gold Medal during a special felicitation ceremony on the occasion of Rector’s Day, 8th October 2024, at 8:15am in the Quadrangle. We invite all current and former students, staff, alumni and well-wishers to join us as we celebrate Mr. Rai’s remarkable journey and his enduring legacy.

Please mark your calendars for this momentous occasion. Let us come together to honour an outstanding individual who has truly embodied the values of North Point and the Jesuit spirit of being “a man for others.”

Warm regards,

Fr. Stanley Varghese, S.J.


St. Joseph’s School North Point, Darjeeling